Monday, February 9, 2015

On Getting Better

Photographers are always seeking to get better and better at the craft of photography.  There are several ways that they do that.  Some attend workshops, some read books, some practice every day, and some even try to get better by buying the latest and greatest pieces of gear.  You can even learn by examining the work of others. I think all of those except one can make a difference. 
Having the most expensive, latest, technologically advanced gear will not make one a better photographer.  In fact, it may slow you down.  If the gear is so advanced that you can't figure it out, you will miss many picture opportunities fiddling with the gear.

In photography, just like in all aspects of life, one must study, practice, and prepare if they are to increase in skill and knowledge.
Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that need no be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15


  1. Well said. I'd like to buy my into being a great photographer but it really takes hard work and optioned.

  2. Well said. I'd like to buy my into being a great photographer but it really takes hard work and optioned.
