Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I remember very well the most difficult photograph I ever made.  This is not it!
The most difficult photograph I ever made was actually directly behind where I was standing when I made this picture.  I think this was a bonus, a reward, a victory lap. I made this one AFTER I made the difficult one.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
The place was near Page, AZ. The moment was part of my very first His Light Photo Workshop led by Bill Fortney.  The iconic image that everyone went to shoot that morning was Horseshoe Bend. 
Horseshoe Bend is on the Colorado River just north of the Grand Canyon. Flowing out of Lake Powell, the river has cut a channel through the rock creating a 1000 foot drop from where I was to where the river was.
To take THE picture you had to stand on the edge of that drop and point your camera almost straight down.

Those of you who know me now know why this was my most difficult shot.  I don't do high places!  Rest assured I did not approach the edge like my friend Keith in the picture above.  Instead I slithered like a lizard on my belly, praying all the while.  I think I might have even kept my eyes closed most of the time.
But, through the prayer and through my trust in the Lord, I was able to accomplish the goal I had set.
I didn't get as many images as some of my friends did.  I probably didn't get images as good as many of them, but I did get what I set out to get.
Here it is.
When you find the road ahead challenging and difficult, trust in Him. Lean not on your own understanding, especially if you are on the edge of a 1000 foot drop!

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