Monday, February 15, 2016

Where Do We Find Peace?

Where do we find peace?  When one listens to any news report, or reads posts on social media of any kind, it does not take long to realize that the world is not a peaceful place.  And, I am not even talking about wars and conflicts between nations and/or cultures.

When did we become a people who cannot disagree without hating? Why do people who have been friends for years suddenly end the friendship because of political differences? At what point did we arrive at the position of "I AM RIGHT" and therefore I can publicly condemn all who dare to disagree with me? Is it okay to see what we perceive as a wrong (even among people we don't know) and then take to Facebook and rail on about how wrong those people are? Have we become so absorbed in ourselves that others simply DO NOT MATTER?

I pray that we will return to a patten of civility. I pray that we will learn to love as He loves us.

There is only one place to find peace.  And, it does not come from the government!

May we each seek and find the peace that surpasses passes understanding.

The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
And give you peace.
Numbers 6:26

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