Friday, May 1, 2015

For Sue

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22,23
I had the joy of spending several minutes yesterday chatting with a dear friend, Jim Haverstock.  His wife, Sue, recently had surgery to repair a broken wrist.  At the time of the surgery the Doctor gave the surgery a 30% chance of being successful.

Sue is a wonderful photographer and she also paints.  Like me, Sue loves to make flowers the subject of her creative works.  If the surgery fails she will lose all mobility in her wrist.  It will be tough to photograph and even tougher to paint!

Sue had her first post op visit to the Doctor yesterday.  The news could not have been better!  The bones in her wrist are in perfect position.  Praise the Lord!
I ask you to pray for Sue. She still has several months of healing and another surgery before she can resume her normal activities.  But, with His hand on hers, healing is taking place and she will soon be back to her normal routines.
Sue, these iris are for you.  Get well soon!

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