Monday, June 22, 2015

A Life Lesson for My Grandson

All of my life I heard my mother say, "Pretty is as pretty does." She believed, rightly, that who we really are comes from the inside, not the outside appearance.

Saturday I heard my daughter teach her son the same lesson with a 21st century version of that phrase.

We found a beautiful shell on the beach.  Like most shells it was all shiny and colorful on the inside.  The outside was dull and brown.


Her lesson - "Isn't this shell just like us? It's important for us to be beautiful on the inside, not just the outside."

I smiled. It felt so good to hear her teach my grandson what is really important as he becomes a man.

You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup
and of the dish,
so that the outside of it may become clean also.
Matthew 23:26