Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Finding Majesty and Splendor in Smaller Doses

O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!
Psalms 8:1
The verse above is very familiar to many of us.  The first phrases are even part of a rather well known praise song.  I think when most hear the verse, or think of God's majesty and splendor, they have visions of soaring mountains or raging rivers.
I think of those too.  But, I have also learned to see God's majestic beauty in the smaller, simpler things of life.  Yesterday morning I went out to make photographs.  I had seen a Cherokee rose blooming along the side of a highway near us.  Since that is Georgia's state flower, I wanted to make a photograph.
After I finished with the Cherokee rose I was drawn to some Wisteria blossoms hanging from a tree nearby.
I also discovered the small wild rose buds in the first picture.  All three plants were growing wild.  None of them have ever been pruned, fertilized, or cared for.  They just grow and bloom, sharing with anyone who sees them the beauty and majesty of God's creation.
I like that!

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