Monday, April 6, 2015

Here We Go!

The picture above is the remains of the train station in Columbus, Ohio.  Countless people passed through that archway going somewhere!  Some may have been returning home, others simply going on a short trip for business.  But, I imagine there were some who passed through that arch on the beginning of a journey that was life changing.  Perhaps even some immigrants traveled here on the trains from Ellis Island.  The life ahead of them outside that arch was a mystery to be unfolded,  a new chapter in their lives.


This week we will take one of those journeys.  Our home is sold, the final boxes are being packed and the movers will soon arrive.

We are moving, going on a new journey. It will be for us, at times, a mystery.  And, I must admit, at times a little unsettling.  But, it is a journey we have chosen.  It is a journey which will bring us much joy and contentment.

Unlike the Hillbillies, we are not "loadin' up the truck and moving to Beverly".  And, we certainly didn't discover oil!  We will be moving to the Nashville, TN area to be closer to our children and our grandchildren. 

It is a move we have considered and prayed about for two years.  There are parts of the future that are still to be decided, but we go with full and grateful hearts knowing who leads us.

He said to me, "The Lord, before whom I have walked,
will send His angel with you to make your journey successful. . ."
Genesis 24:40a

We are ready, we are excited, we are hopeful.  And, we hope you will all come to see us now and then!

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